Electra Complex
Mind the title..it's just soooo out of the blue..
"Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything." -Paris Hilton
This is my second post ya'll. tadi the first one i posted as early as 8am kali. and it went kapoof!! it's disappeared somewhere in the internet world. *uhuks*
it seems like, the closer it is to 'hari kasih-sayang' sedunia. the more people are depressed, in huge + big arguments and break-ups. *sigh*
did anyone go to yayasan last thursday night. there were KOREANS!!
i mean, those lawa-lawa tourists clad in..
bikini tops and hot pants..
kalah tu ripley's believe it or not ah..hehe cerita ani lagi sensasi since it's all happening here in our beloved country. aku pulang surprised..hubs pulang inda. either ia pura-pura inda gawking or he thinks he is the HOT! (i prefer the latter, no?)
so these korean girls are walking around hua ho looking extreme fashionable with flat-flat abs, killer legs and the gorgeoustest hair! wow! drools...if you guys didnt see them, u missed it! hehehe..
macam, the men there were gawking at them..barang baru kali ah..
sheesh..bikin malu..as if aku ani lelaki bercerita cemani ah..hehehehehehe
btw, thanks ain for sending me the group pictures arah hotmail yeah? much appreaciated.
Signing off...

the masjid in masjid india
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