Mine! all mine!

23.coming 24.full time wife.dvds.very very in love.movies.rock.


It's not appendix but ANGIN!

I've got my medical certificate. So, i'm not in school. not staying in uni from 8 to 6 (palau wah time nya ah)..

Been suffering from these endless pain of mine and finally got the chance to go and see the doctor tadi. Himself was rather nice to accompany me which inevitably spared his 1hr of work time *sayang u berabis*. I can go alone pulang it's not that a bigger deal but, he offered and who could resist that?? (big grins)

Told the doc about my problem. she said "Maybe ada urine infection or maybe appendix problem" Blargh! kebeliangan ku tarus mendengar. So yeah, i urinated into this very-very small cup (kata-kataku banar! ngapa inda gayung atu kan?) and she tested it. thank god lah - NORMAL.

After that, i had to lie down and she started to press-press my tummy and so far nada. yang tempat sakit atu saja yang sakit (apakan?) she said i might have angin dalam parut or a sensitive intestine wall yang since birth (didnt know that) so told me to lay off SPICY FOOD!

i cant lay off SPICY FOOD! especially sambal (yang pedas-pedas) to makan with timun & kacang sirik (my favourite) and they're like my only veggies dalam makanan ku masa ani...aku suka tu makan even time petang-petang (as snacks pun aku makan)

Himself dropped me off di rumah, and i decided to go for a massage. i have only one in mind= Zen Spa.

I had to sungkai. Yes, sampai ku puasa, tapi setengah hari sal i had to makan this huge pills 3 kali sehari yo.. *sigh* inda apalah hari ani setengah hari esuk setengah hari, jadi ertinya setengah + setengah = 1 hari jua tu kan? (i'm mathematically correct, no?)

I had emma again (which is great!) i opted for the aromatherapy massage, pakai 'RELAX' oil. Usually ku ambil refelxology but since i wanna get my stomuch "fixed" (so to speak) jadi, decided to take the aromatheraphy instead..

...i was glad i had pretty panties on..or else..MALU GILA KU! *teehee*
The whole expereince was great. it was supposed to be a 1hr massage, but i exceeded. especially when time kan urut my parut atu..no problem with the parut tho, but the area dekat my ovary. GOSH! sakit gila!...but she fixed it. (2 orang mengusaha aku, i'm so loved!) eventhough, there were much writhing and ugly screaming, it was worth the pain because..

now i'm just pain free! A speacila thanks to Melanie for the "healing Powers" hehe (inside joke!)

Emma got the chance to urut my knee. She, however, used this very-very scientific name for that area which i think she said "palate" or something sounding like that or...i dont know. Sekali she said i have little bump (unnoticable by me) arah the 'sakit' area.. gerk! jadi, i recalled Kurt giving me talks about the knee problem.. and he once asked me "ada macam bulging?"

*nyeh* should have really checked. but it's just a knee.siapa jua kan tau the differences tu!

She said something scary like "maybe th veins got into the bone" or "the muscle". grr.. so, yeah needed to go check on the knee again arah special sport physician (I wish i can spell but i cant! *lol*).

Overall, i'm one stress WOH-MAN..
yeah... now, not so much..

keke..so i'm enjoying my added holiday. hey, this is like my first holiday this semester atu pun sal kana bagi MC no ponteng-ponteng stuff..*beams*

okay, hope this post is broing enough..
nothing much

pokoknya: it's just angin!



This birthday shout out goes to:-

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

dengan ucapan:
"You're one very fun sister in law. i hope you have sucha fun birthday this year. you have 3 lovely but gauk anaks. Dania hates me *sniff sniff* k cya soon, fish head curry next?"