Sanak ku eh!
Hm...there's something wrong here. i was trying to add a new link, so syira. tapinya balik-balik ku cuba inda jua mau appear. yang ada, pwincess saja. So, say hello to them *waves really really hard!*
Yesterday aku kan blog wah, tapinya kan the internet connection was crap-crap berabis- banci ku! inda KACAK langsung. cos aku kan merungut wah..merungut sal apanah?
STRAWBERRY MAGNOLIA tumpah lam beg sekulah ku. nada mood ku kemarin., time tutorial malay atu, i spent my time melap-lap while one of the coursemate peer teaching. cam, my already pink book is makin pink lagi with bau-bau strawberry, my notebook merakat, my file pon terkana. tapi baik jua my important document inda yeah! basically, mesti ku bali beg baru..
apakan? inda jua payah bali beg, i'm gonna have to use my other bag then. *hmph*
This semester inda pulang berapa stressful, tapinya kan banyak discussion. it's kind of fun pulang jua. we get to bahagi-bahagikan the kerja. Tadi the four of us had our discussion di discussion room. and so far we've managed to outline what we should put and everything. and lina & i managed to do a little on our part. nanti we just need to combine everything. And so,that's done (there's another discussion pulang) and i need to type up the Independent proposal & rationalization, we've finished the paper work, next week, we're going to need to do the 10% of the product. so yeah..
As of my strategies, i've done 40% of the work. need to find some more. if possible aku mau the bomb bah written work ku atu. and need to prepare the powerpoint. and i've also gathered (i think) enough references for my other written assignment.
yatah cam nyaman rasanya. and then 4 weeks before revision week, aku inda buat apa-apa. no presentation and everything. sal aku awal abis pon!! weeeeeeee.....
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