Mine! all mine!

23.coming 24.full time wife.dvds.very very in love.movies.rock.


all about psychology

*Shout outs*

Happy 10th month wedding anniversary to hubby-dabby... Love you! you're a sweet-sweet man.Eh me tau you secretly baca my posts kan??

Happy birthday to lish! ~ hope you have a smashing one. and i'm bangga to know you in person too. you roxx!

Congratulations to Lina. First time ada niece. hehe owh, bermulalah musim-musim kapih tu. and you know how melating baju-baju kanak-kanak bini-bini ani? (aih..a mouthful jua ah)

*end of shout outs*

Aku cuba memblog udah di malam but somehow ada something wrong-ges with the blogger plus, internet connection mun malam inda berapa bishai, yatah inda tia ku memblog. atu kan idea ku mencurah-curah sudah di malam.

owh, just because i'm not pregnant yet, people can be insensitive about it yeah? cos i heard a 'relative' tanya my mum if aku 'ada' sudah or not, then my mum cakap alum. and ia cakap berkawan tah ia sama my other cousin yang also alum ada. BLARGH! senstive lah sikit...cuba ia in my position.. was on the verge of tears mendengar atu. but, hey! aku strong apa..i still put on a smile tho it hurts hurts berabis. Yep, anything 'pregnancy + baby' related sensitive tah ku tu..blaaaaa....but dont worry i'm still happy for you (those yang pregnant and ada baby) salnya, macam aku ada baby bah tu..heheheh

blargh who cares?
moving on...

dengan bangganya, aku sudah mendapat keempat-empat dvd boxset ini..wehehhe...addicted to gilmore girls udah..

aaand..kamu!! buku worldcup ku complete sudaaaahhhhh!!! aku manang ni....manang ku ni...liat saja..nama ku kana announce to di RTB (well, not as posh as star world or axn pulang) but hey, mesti ku manang ni...weheheheheh.. (confident taie banar!)


Eh apa nah? remember movie theme? asgai-related. I watched ceta "Hunted" a good movie i tell you starring tommy lee Jones. Basically, ceta atu is about tommy lee jones mengajar army survival + Killing (basically they're trained to kill bah). yatah yang siuknya, they make their own pisau ani out of rocks.. anyway, that's beside the point. This one particular army ani, kira jadi psychotic bah. started killing people, and tommy lee jones jadi tukang bubut ia balik.. aiih, inda ku pandai menceritakan, but it's a lawa movie to watch. combat skillsnya OH MY GOD!

the next movie on the list: my all-time favourite would have to be- The Rock. If kamu meliat this story, macam i forgot the exact word used masa i took literature. It's like, you know what the general's doing is bad but for the right reason bah. Yatah hatimu berbelah bahagi tu. Starring Sean Connery & Nicholas Cage. A must watch.

So far atu lah saja yang aku baru meliat.

*Konsert Prelude Af *

it was kinda boring =) i mean, bukannya boring apa. Just that you're hoping for more surprises. They were just rushing things eh. Cuba tah kali next time, pilih saja 16 urang kah. jangan tah 20 atu bah. we dont get the feel of the konsert. after durang menyanyi, followed by another. And the same goes to when announcing the 12 penuntut AF, no surprises, Somehow ah, AF has lost the true meaning of the 'debaran' part as well as the 'kejutan' part.

The professional judges yang pilih the 10. Atukan si farhan was in tangga 20 with 1% vote. and she was chosen as one of the AF students by the judges. The judging was fair. sal based on talents and all. tho, i personally think Hazama deserves more than Diddy. cos i think diddy punya suara typical. Hazama lawa suaranya. if my mirc okay, i would have started downloading the song he sang 'zakia'- macam ramli sarip suaranya! suka ku dengar.

The 10 yang kana pilih oleh judges: Farhan (Lawa ni suaranya ganya heranku napa urg inda vote ia. she sang jazz), diddy, salima (uii aku vote ia ni..ganya wished she sang lagu arab or something), haziq(Mat jaiz (?) berabis), zila, lotter(cute ni lelaki ani, damit kurang-kurang cam aku kali damitnya), Faizal (he sang a sudirman), velvet(nice voice! but is she gonna be another 'linda?'), rich(diction! inda ku dgr bah apa ia nyanyikan atu..however, nice voice) and Karen(the camera loves her! and i love her too!).

The 2 orang yang kana pilih melalui sms vote: Amirul & Nora. Blargh! Nora okay lah...she sang an 'uji rashid' but amirul, seems like ia inda banar-banar. inda ku puas hati. biasa saja bah ia ani. nada commitment.

and later, at 12 ada Diari akademi plus saturday ani ia punya konsert tia! inda laju kah perasaan kamu?? I bet mum was devastated sal she likes tasha huhuhu...

*AF news out*

eh ngalihku eh...i wanta make something for lunch. i dont want to go out today. after exam result maybe can. but not now..i know exam result this week. aih, takutku eh..my sejarah...my science...my...uwaaaaa......takut ku ehhhh
