Going Au Naturel
Panic. Panicked!
I felt bad for not attending the ultimate Blogger's Gathering yesterday. Something happened...
I tried out this au naturel soap for muka (it's like pencuci muka, right?) so, i tried it last friday. It was fine =) then, sunday (sudah 3 hari). pagi atu okay tu, tapi ada gatal-gatal already. Sekali time tengahhari (maybe it was the heat or something) - my face turned RED! and i thought - eh okay ni...
and after that...
"mengapa cia muka ku macam bangkak aniiii????"
bwoh...yes guys, it was red berabis, padas berabis, and bangkak.
You wouldn't want to see me in that state right??? bad mood tia ku tarus.
i don't have kamu punya numbers. so aku na tau kan contact siapa.
the internet was giving me a 'silent treatment' -literally! haaaa...no dial tone ani bah..
I gave up. and hoping hari ani i can explain (and dapat!)
So i'm really sorry!!! So, for the next gathering. I hope to stay away from anything that might tergendala my plans. sheesh!
Ah...Miss Universe 2006 is playing NOW!
owh, my watch is fixed -$300 *gulp* apparently the screen is not THAT expensive -rupanya there's also something wrong with the 'engine' . no wonder everytime pakai, i have to wind the thing every single time. *smirks*
hm...watched Swimsuit model last night. heee...lawa-lawa the girls atu eh... later, jangan lupa ANTM 5 ahhh...
i have plenty to blog about. but i guess i'm saving it saja. hmm..okay!
owh, orientation meeting tomorrow! aku involved! *dances* awu, last 2 years kan join tapi inda berlaku saja...
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