Mine! all mine!

23.coming 24.full time wife.dvds.very very in love.movies.rock.


Hua ho mall tanjong bunut

I just got back (been using this sentence balik-balik aku pulang boring makai) whoahahaha... just got back from Hua ho Mall TB (mouthful bah..shortform kan aja).

Lina texted me to bawa jalan to Hua ho mall atu. She said she's picking me up arnd 2 ish. I was watching Black Hawk Down on HBO. i forgot how awesome the movie is. Banar.. steady-steady lagi kan the actors. and Siapa tu the guy yang jadi 'legolas' arah Loard of the Ring? - ahh...he fell dari helicopter without even getting the chance to shoot. Kesian! Haha..anyhow, it's still one of the best war movie i've ever watched.

So hua ho mall... 4 tingkat. Ground floornya, of course the grocery/food department. There's also The DQ! spacious tempatnya, ada kerusi and meja (apakan??). The first floor was rather disappointing! i was hoping for some Levi's / Elle or something like that. Ada bata, giossardi's, bonia, perfume, BUM and semua atu lah...

Next tingkat, Barang-barang sports like Nike, Adidas, plus ada toys section kali..eh i'm confused!!! i need to go there again..*sigh*

I have a headache, after makan obat, i didnt bawa tido..now i wanna sleep on the couch


p/s: Thanks for the advanced birthday wishes! i have someone texting me a birthday wish tadi thinking today is my birthday!. hahaha twice tah sudah tu..last year ada jua! heheh