Mine! all mine!

23.coming 24.full time wife.dvds.very very in love.movies.rock.


Click! "now pay $50"

I'm multi-tasking. On my left are piles and piles of dvd, basicially i want to masukkan dalam the plastic covers to put them in the folder, mata balik-balik meliat tv, tadi was watching Gilmore Girls, now i'm waiting for Diari AF, and blogging, plus reading people's entires, and replying emails. Hiyoooo....

Owh, the title... kana saman terkana speed trap. palui... kana gambar sekali mahal lagi bayarannya..wahahahah...went 111km/hr when the speed limit is 100km/hr highway tutong. Hmmm...

*shout outs*

Selamat Hari Gawai today

Selamat Hari Jadi Askar yesterday 31st May to all askar-askar, including my abang

Selamat Wedding anniversary to Diana

Selamat Belated birthday to Ain's man kelmarin

*shout outs abis*

So, we went to miri kelmarin. I bought loads and loads of buku! yep...i got plum skye new book. esuk or krg tah ku masukkan gambarnya or something.. yeah, jadi, i have many books to read this holiday. Spent RM300 on books *gulp* yatahnya hubby, "buku pulang ganya dibalinya".
Hahaha...pachee, machee, nada mood ku kan meliat baju, sandal or beg. walaupun, i saw this really gorgeous guess bag ah..

ngalihku eh, before that, while sorting out the dvd...

Cuteee....hubs punya
