Mine! all mine!

23.coming 24.full time wife.dvds.very very in love.movies.rock.


Shakalaka baybeee~~

This is what i call murder: waiting patiently for the exam result to cometh out (keke cometh- mentang-mentang meliat cerita.... di malam)

So i've finally watched Tristan & Isolde. It's another one of those 'Romeo & Juliet' genre kind of movies. It's centering around (duh) Tristan & Isolde. Boy saves by girl. Girl medicated boy until boy heals. boy falls in love with girl (and vice verse). Girl didnt tell the true identity of girl. so boy goes back to england. boy fights in a tournament on behalf of the king. the prize? the boy who wins gets to take ireland and the girl. but boy didnt win for himself, but for the king. so, king marries girl.. and yada yada.. well, like romeo & juliet? someone has to die right? -7/10.

Find it a bit disgusting tho. but well, who am i to critic the movie-yes?

Another round of jogging around the neighbourhood yes-ter-day! this time i jog while hubs cycle (booo! pelihara cia lamak atu). It was a cool run. however, my left knee hurts. (must-go-see-doctor-soon!). Later we're gonna go cycling saja. cause i think i will get a visit from Mrs Red (quote sza) very-very soon.

My will to blog is dead..
i'm dying...i'm dyinng~~~~
owh, where art thou result. please cometh soon..i die..i die..

writer's block