Mine! all mine!

23.coming 24.full time wife.dvds.very very in love.movies.rock.


Soft spot

playing: The police ~ Every little thing she does is magic

I've finally finished reading meg cabot's size 12 is not fat. Especially to Nadya:-
"I think meg cabot is a funny writer. This book is a mystery novel. okay pulang. ganya aku inda berapa kan mystery kan. However, i think you might like this book - enjoy reading if you get ahold of one yeah? xoxox"

Today i'm going to start reading a new book by Jill Mensel.

Sehari demi sehari (how come this sounds soo odd) owh!, it's hari demi hari! *lol*, aku semakin mengalih (ngalih or mengalih ni?) yatah, i'm thinking of going for a break from blogging. ehe..yeah, just trying to catch some long naps and catching on my readings and watching some dvds and main sims. Batah sudah ku inda main sims. Supaya aku dapat upload pics of the houses bah tu eh..ceeehh..

Anyway, yesterday, a couple of my friends went to tutong to meet a friend kan. So, i was a really cool reunion. I dont know about you lah ah, our friendship ani kan, bila berjumpa, we just update everything about ourselves - no room for gossips (ceeeh...inda jua berdusa kan?) what's the point really? sama jua dengan my sisters tu. we very-very very jarang gossip pasalkan? kehidupan kami exciting bah. nothing tops that (again kurang jua dosa kan?) saint bunyinya kami ah.. it's true tho. if you happen to berjumpa with us, we'll be talking mostly on our anak buah, work and so forth -exciting!

*S has been really strong (i envy her-that's why i love her). I've seen her baby pix. The baby(a girl) i think lah ah..looks more like the dad. So, siapa jua inda curious kan? so asked her about the experience. Nyahaha...i really dont wanna share-nanti kamu inda mau pregnant. After hearing all those- i still wanna get pregnant! *lol*

So, everyone's working =) except me and owh another one who's in oz. Siuk ku mendengar cerita pasal keraja ani. they gave me tips on plastic money. pokoknya durang tukar-tukar pendapat. They also *sigh* complained about having responsibilities (esp. paying the bills). aku mau kerja tapi aku inda mau bayar bill-please? hehe

One of us is getting married =) and have already found her own place. the other one is gonna get a new place (gonna crash her place MUAHAHAHAH..tapi beb, aku bagitau kau awal-awal yang aku sibuk tu time kau moving ah....but i'm FREE bila kau panggil BBQ) the other one gets a scholarship to further her studies (master yo! - galat ku ehh). the other one is graduating. i heard one mark saja lagi tu get a 1st class degree. so next year, jadi tutor tah tu ia... Basically, i'm proud of my friends. they're doing really well in their life =) aku mau jua ehh!! mesti ku blajar banar-banar next semester ni!

Ahhh..then, the other 2 girls spent time mengisi borang "plastic money" hahahaha..sal one of us atu CSSO of a bank. awu mempromo. the other girls explained how "plastic money" is like HANTU! jahat tu plastic money ah... tapi baik jua ada satu kan? yeah, siuk meliat durang isi. aku lum dapat isi. mun income 358 saja sebulan, behapa. tapi supplementary card holder bole laa... *looks at hubs* yeahaha...

I had a great time. i hope they had fun too.
How was yours?

p/s; cant wait for my sisters to come home. kami BANYAK kan di buat sebelum buka uni ani...

waiting & waiting

pps: lina, next week, ON tu ahh