Mine! all mine!

23.coming 24.full time wife.dvds.very very in love.movies.rock.


time to gloat...

As promised...my overdue picture of my sims house. rupanya aku gambar backyardnya saja

Atu saja ku ada..ada pulang yang lain tapinya blurry. nanti tah ku upload if aku inda malas.

*sigh* brazil and south korea manang huh? bisai

So last night, hubs bawa balik homok (homework hehe). So he was sitting on the floor main ia punya vegas solitaire, while i tower over him cukup-cukup dengan bercekak pingang lagi..

me: Sudah buat homok???

aih, siuk rupanya having the upper hand ani. cam ingat ku masa aku sibuk bermain sims sekali ia tanya aku the same thing i asked him. tapi ia ketawa saja. chet! (drop water face) eh. "drop my water face" atu kan rupanya dari zaman p.ramlee sudah ah. bercanda si awang p.ramlee atu ah..

him: biar tia, esuk saja me buat.
me: eeeehhh..bisaiiii (stail mama-mama bah). buat dulu baru tah buleh main solitaire (nb: please use 'premack principle' aka. the 'grandma rule').
him: u mau buatkan?? me ajarkan.
me: OKAY! (excitedly and tarus duduk crossed my leg beside him)

punya banyak numbur lah.numburnya ani lagi bukannya damit-damit macam $1.99 or $2.50. *pengsan* maths ku lagi kurang tu!!! (translation: my maths? never good yatah next semester kan di asah ni maths ku ani supaya timestable atu dapat ku apal semua)

chet! payah bah mengapal table 8 atu... 8x7 atu berapa kan tu??? *lol*

So, all i had to do was 'tick' 'tick' 'tick'. siuk lah. tabal jua report atu. but, it's better doing something like that daripada buat my usual stuff kan?? menalor saja atu inda jua productive.

wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (hipokrit kan mati!)

yes, banar aku suka staying in. aku inda suka mendrive. walaupun kan ke kadai ampir kan membali credit atau bali ice cream. i love my bed, i love my couch, i love my dvds, i love my teddy and i love my books. mun di luar atu panas bah tu...rusak skin (aisyeh), rusak rambut (ptui)-rusak segala-galanya...huauaua..

eh ngapa ku cemani pagi-pagi buta ani kan??
aku cek stats ku kan? every hour jua urang come visit my blog, tapinya tagnya..duii malai.. *bagi muka bibi* tag bah tag, comment lah. englishku salah kah, boring kah, share pendapat kah, bagi kata-kata semangat kah, COMPLIMENT kah (eceh), gurau senda kah?, COMPLIMENT kah (heheh suka ku bah perkataan ani). at least aku tau kan???

i like my new counter. it counts! (boo...apa tah di buatnya, main tambi??)

I'm going out later. pebaik tah alum keluar result atu. MENYAMAL KU MENYAMAL. jangan tah dikeluarkan result atu (dalam hati ku berkata, "keluar tah bah..keluar...kusutku bah ni..pleeeeeaaaseee?????"). beuri ku bah. most of the papers kan, membagi mental-heavy-mental. my L&D atu, belajar ku sudah banar-banar tapi aku memilih soalan yang payah bah (ooohhhh tidak) macam basar-basar kali markahnya... lapas atu sejarah ku..and then the dreadful FOTAL. eh apanah? i compare the 100 words, 1 mark with a fren's current paper. lagi kepisan papernya...

cua ahh..baca ahh..
60 mcqs with 5 options to choose from. vague answers macam 'all of the above are true', 'none of the above' and 'all of the above' pastu, and essay yang banyak cover the components, guidelines and apa-apa je lah dalam masa...*jeng jeng* 2 jam 10 minit.

sadis papernya atu...
bila ku pandang WC atu kan, teringat ku kan masa-masa bermain hockey. it's not different from football/soccer. instead of ada 'offside' for football, we have 'petak D'. number of players pun sama jua.ganya our field not so big as the one for football. pastu, the positions pun inda jauh bedanya (eceh, very very glen fredly). tapi we use different positions lah. pokonya we always go for 1-5-3. awu satu saja striker kami salnya kami ada harapan kana belasah. eceh...kesian bunyinya..
that's why kami ada winger and defenders. not much of strikers. yatah the strikers (the likes of me, alin and lina) selalu kepisan if kami managed to get the ball up.

satu lagi, bula kami damit, and then kami pakai stick. football, pakai kaki and then bulanya basar. that's why durang selalu gugur. kami gugur pulang tapi bukan gugur macam urg main bula atu, kami gugur berguling...ilang ayu nyamu bila terguling..ehehehehhe...it happened to me all the time... and alum lagi masuk time tergelincir. chet! garit menggarit lutut sama siku. abis-abis urg main bula atu, patah mematah ah, kami? jait menjait saja..sama bincul and bangkak. ada urg bejait arah lidnya, ada bangkak pat cheekbonenya, yang lutut and siku bangkk atu, hari-hari mesti ada...lum lagi bangkak arah buku lali tu.. sal tekana bula. AWU bulanya karas...walaupun damit, tapi karas.. not like bula football..

i miss being in action..
kamu??? reunion hockey tani...kan main hockey ku..walaupn sehari saja...
