Mine! all mine!

23.coming 24.full time wife.dvds.very very in love.movies.rock.


Girl power & more...

'Girl power'-cheh! the first time i heard this phrase was during time-time gemilang the 'Spice girls'- oooh..yeah..those were the days. i was a fan! I digress.

Anyhow, been watching 'girl-power-related' movies. (was supposed to blog this yesterday but, blogger????) First it was million dollar baby then North country. North country is the best movie i have ever watched lah. It's about sexual harrassment in the mines (male-dominated). Soo kesian, soo brutal and soo touching. You girls shoudl go watch it if you havent. If you have, watch it again!. Apa lagi??? goooo now!!!

The other one is of course gilmore girls. Kekeke...Lorelai gilmore and lorelai gilmore rock!

Many-many wedding invites this year. So sweet! awu, being married is fun. one thing is, you dont really have to worry about being at the beach alone around 7 ish right?? and a reminder to those yang kawin sudah atu, always photocopy your married certificate in your cars!

owh owh...last sunday kan masa kami balik from kb, i was asking hubs.. Kalau in a war, askar mana yang mati dulu ah?. he couldnt find the word bah. sekali 2 days later, he suddenly screamed INFANTRY! and i was bangang. Then he repeated askar yang mati dulu bah infantry sayang jua yang tanya ari atu. Wow!!! 2 days ia memikirkan jawapannya.. it must have bugged him.. heheh kesian!

Been bicycling around the neighbourhood. kalau di pikirkan ah.. inda payah bah tu berkerita ke kadai kaling ampir atu.pakai basikal pon buleh bah tu. I think i was trying my best not to stop cycling (was on a constant speed) walaupun kaki ku start sakit. then hubs was being all competetive. chet! competitive laki ku ani rupanya. Ia laju dapan sikit, aku inda mau kalah, mau jua dapan sikit..so we...ended..up...RACING!!!

Whoahahaha....sama speed kami ah.. buring...but gila, atu baru sweating! it was really fun tho. Inda pulang kami aim kan go for model-like figure or him with 6 packs. you must exercise for the right reason saja. Psst...aku mau fit into my old jeans atu bah..hehehe (naaaah....) this whole bicycling made me go to bed much easier. nyaman tidurku!!

Finished reading Debutante divorcee awu. batah ku ngabiskan membaca. Salnya, i been doing other things too kan. cam meliat dvd tia, main sudoku tia, main game tia..so, i cant do the whole 4 hrs of reading time. Anyway, It's a good book. bukannya jenis buku yang ada pengajaran macam buku pak pandir atu ah. Just for laughs. Palui ah cetanya.. konon cool lah jadi debutante divorcee sekalinya mau jua mencari laki! So now, i'm reading meg cabot's size 12 is not fat. So far, the openings cali. andangnya cali kah author ani??

So world cup starts today. bangun subuh tah ni usulnya. kul 9pm baru tah england berlawan. aiyo.....
