Mine! all mine!

23.coming 24.full time wife.dvds.very very in love.movies.rock.


Google your name-go ahead!

It's me again (apa ke benda..this is thy blog, no?)

I was googling...erms..googling my name. HAHA the delight! Here's what i found:-

Erna Low- the original ski specialist since 1932: an exciting portfolio of the best travel products ond overseas property investments


ERNA is an acronym for this : European Responsible Nutrition Alliance

erk, really??

also... Erasmus Remote Network Access

Apa ka bende?

and banyak lagi..heeee..i like it! cali

and according to Mr wikipedia erna is...
In Norse mythology, Erna was the mother of eleven sons by Jarl, the ancestors of the race of warriors in Norse society. Her father was Hersir, a tribal chief.


and erna means EARNEST (hmm??)aaand it's a german name.

i'm having fun!