*project runway*
Eeee..do you guys like watching Project Runway?
I sure do! I don't know now season yang ke berapa but maybe it's season 2. Because the show started in the year 2004. Just ,like ANTM (america's next top model), the host for project runway is also a model, Heidi Klum
Aaaaanyway, last night the designers are told to create a 'garden party dresses' - aiyo.. their materials? consist of leaves, flowers, moses etc etc (anything pokok-pokok related).
So, i personally liked Chloe's design. Lawa, tapinya she couldn't finish the dress on time right, so she had to go simple aja. (sorry guys, as much as i wanted to, i couldn't find the picture in the net-lau inda, i'll upload them sal lawaaaa berabis).
Anyway, Andre terkeluar =)
jahat, salnya he said he was going for a french chic bla bla bla (i dont know what it's called) and the judges actualy commented that....
"It's almost like a doormat" -eks
the whole experience gave me an opportunity to understand what lish's going through - tough jua jadi pereka fashion ani ah..
Now i understand what the tailor is going through making my dresses..hehehe
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