Mine! all mine!

23.coming 24.full time wife.dvds.very very in love.movies.rock.


Kueh Sapit

Kueh Sapit.

Yep, ia telah wujud berkurun-kurun lamanya. And last night, i got a first-hand experience of making one. Erm, i'd be lying if i say i just made one: several of them actually.

Mum bought this new machine to make the Kueh Sapit. Dulu she used this complicated one that 'sapits' the adunan. She has had enough of it and now she has bought a new one which is - a little "stress-free"

My mum is not the kind of person who reads the manual of a certain thing. She's the kind of person who 'play around with it - and learn from it' - i can't put into a better sentence than this. (awal pagi bah niiii). I just leave her for 20 minutes and when i came out, she was all "aaaahhh here" and "aaaahhh there"

She has the patience of a monkey-i tell you. *lol* anaknya terikut jua.

In the 20 minutes atu: 1)She switched on the machine and started to tuangkan adunan at it. Only to find the machine is unstable. (awu, berguyang i mean). 2)She managed to burn her fingers 3)Find a genius way so that the machine will stay - *ehem* stable : which is tying the machine to a can of soyabean so that the machine won't tilt (HAHAHAHAH)

I came out 20 minutes after and read the manual only to find that she didn't screw in the thing that helps the machine stand properly *Lol* ~ i love her still.

The process of making Kueh Sapit needs patience. and a person-who-can-tahan-pigang-samting-yang-panas.

Waaahhh...so hot i tell you. My mum lagi ia nda mau lipat saja, ia mau - GULONG *pfft*

I think, deep down she misses her mother (my nini is still very much alive pulang). I think she misses the time she spent with her mother making kueh sapit. She told me durang dulu buat pakai arang lagi and when the kueh is siap - my nini would go,

"eh laju...gulong! gulooonggggg!"

i can imagine how my nini says it. warghhahaha..

Anyways, making traditional delicacy is never easy. Maybe urang dulu-dulu atu wifenya banyak masa kali, so they like to do stuff yang payah-memayah (mun sanang- nada thrill tu - no lah, i joke).

What do i learn from this?
Just go to the nearest supermarket and get yourself a $1 worth of kueh sapit. heeee

more kueh sapit to make. will update later
