Mine! all mine!

23.coming 24.full time wife.dvds.very very in love.movies.rock.


When you kept digging...

I was trying to find a book for my mini assignment, sekali mencari tah ku arah almari buku ku.. and waaaah...sudah lama ku inda membuka almari atu. i have tons of books yang sudah sekian lama ku inda menjangkau. My collection includes Sweet Valley kids, twins and high, Loves stories (dari #1 to berpuluh yo..including the special editions), other random novels like Judith macnaught, Julie Garwoods, and chick flick novels, my R.L Stines, a little on Goosebumps (a whole collection!), christopher pike...and yada yada..

Pokoknya buleh ku gelar mini library..
Some books, macam aku lupa wah yang aku own that books, like books macam 'love stories' ah..back in the day, that book was a hit. Which means like, i have a whole lot of re-readings to do. or new books-to-read before tidur or something like that. And aku notice, i love to wrap my books, and most of my books atu sekali baca saja..yatah if u open it, macam karas masih. as in, balum buruk ah..hmm...i really love to read.

tapi libraryku atu alum mengalahkan library si Effa & Tipah. They're like suka baca buku people and love to buy books (i'm so envious!) if i have kids, i want my kids to be running to these 2 people and borrow books from them. hehehe..let them borow from aunty effa & aunty tipah, okay?

i even have this cook book -entah cana buleh ku membali buku ani?
i even have the 'confession of an heiress' written by paris hilton - ahaha..inda pulang masuk akal, but i love watching her clothes and everything..lawa (adiku balikkan)
my shopaholic books are priceless..
then my lipstick chronicles.. inda ku tau if ada book 3 nya sudah..aku suka tu buku atu..
and my bible 'the devil wears prada'

oh....suka ku meliat buku-buku itu..
On a happier note, i've finished downloading America's next top model season 6 episode 1-3..hehehe..currently downloading the o.c. season 3 episode 18...hmm... and i bought Gilmore Girls season 1...(i have to begged hubs to let me buy it..)

aku first time minum ice mocca...lina's treat..
hehe..nyaman jugak!



Week of the Sloth


Banar..inda ku tipu.
I slept peacefully throughout the night.
Woke up fashionably late,
couldnt careless of the assignments,
officially LAZY!

mengapa kah ia..salnya kan, i think i did badly during the peer-teaching for sejarah sampai the lecturer commented that i was more "lecturing" than "teaching" -heck! cant deny that cos if i were a student, aku sendiri pun fikir aku atu boring. yep! mengakun jua ku..hehhe..

and aku pikirkan, inda ku mau mengambil sejarah next semester. No way. sal boring and sal boring-get it? and lagi pun inda ku confident mengajar sejarah.

been lunching out with the girls lately. first time lunch di Rimba (rupanya tempat durang ain selalu 'hang') and tadi we had lunch di pizza hut. supposed kami kan meliat movie after lunch but sorang-sorang kan mau meliat skeri mubi, jadi they ended inda mau meliat -bergaru? paham kamu kan??

Anyways, aku malas berabis kan buat anything. i yawn gazillionth time in uni (silly eh!), i mostly wont concentrate on lecture except maybe time Curriculum masa membuat that SMOG readability thingy. it was fun berabis! and aku cam malas kan mandi..malas kan buat apa-apa..
jadinya, if ada pertandingan "malas" please vote me..hehehehe

Yatah inda baik ni...time kan abis uni, jadi malas banar tia..it's time for big-big assignments and i'm mostly doing the "video-editing" for the assignment.

Btw, aku suka main game "mystery case file huntville" game. SYOK! if you're into nancy drew or CSI thingy. inda pulang sampai mencari clue-clue yang drastik atu..tapi just kiddies stuff...

and to answer atul's question..
i dodnt accessorize ROBY,
in fact, i accessorized arah GF roby si "sexy"
yep, bought a new car in red..
will put the picture in the "happenings" section if i'm not that lazy
i have to undergo this "laziness-phase" dulu ah before ku on my 'rajin mode'

yeah, k...aku malas masa ani
so, i'll blog soon



Hello~~~is it me you're looking for??~~~

Hello Hello..
I was wondering..kenapa tia bloggers ani 'sunyi-bunyi' ani? visited kamu punya blog and kaaaaan...almost semua lum update their entries. aii?? buring jua ku tu nada kan dibaca..nyamal tah ku ni. MENYAMAL!!

Anyways, i cut my hair
*flick* *flick* *flick*
yep, i'm dreading my already panjang sehingga ke pinggang hair..
and the hairdresser cut it like 5 inches shorter..
now, it's lighter, less stress, less split-ends (erk!) and manageable!
i like!
*flick* *flick*

my account has a serious dent in it!
Yep, i spent on something huge today..
yep, the theme is
and when i meant accessorizing,
i meant those hundred-hundred harganya..
awu..man, i saved money to get new TV and player for
...my car!
and to ensure it has quality sound,
installed an amplifier, a woofer, tweeters and changed new speakers.
i tried it, and watched 'lost'
it made me jumped..
hence, i have a mini theater in my car
movies anyone??

*garu kepala*
inda apa janji bahagia, no?

currently, in CB drinking this new drink with hubby
ku pikir chocolate - tu8rns out it's coffee..
argh...inda tah bertidur ni ulehnya...
and David & wife also dined here..
and i was texting lina about something,
and he saw my fon, asking me about it and lastly ia tanya,
"can it fly?"
*slaps forehead*
Funny lah that guy, can?

and i saw an old high school mate,
ehehe she's having her monthly 'hang' with her friends here too..
we chit chat for a wee bit..
my day's been both tiring & productive

and *flick* *flick*


p/s: i miss my long-ish hair *sobs*
that was fast!! *glee*


Happy 58th month!

Okay, dinner @nuruls' was fun!
Hubs & I were the first ones to come to her place that night. and on my way to her house, i saw a friend's place. apparently, ia ada malam berbedak masa atu. hehe..

This best wishes goes to
Sur & Azlin

Yang sudahpun bergelar suami-isteri i think last week, and the sanding this sunday (i think) dengan ucapan,
"Though i dont really get the chance to know the both of you that well, i still wish you all the happiness in the world. and since you both are 'IQ-jenis-tinggi' couple, i'm hoping your kids will have the same traits too.. ahaha..selamat menempuhi hari-hari bersuami-isteri and semoga berkekalan sehingga ke akhir hayat-amin!"

So, back to nurul's dinner. we had soto, satay, cheese cakes both cheese cakes & oreo cheesecakes (NYAMAN NI NYAMU) and desserts. Met Elia (such a friendly person) then there were other familiar faces like Girly, Yus & Minur.. tapikan, the other girls inda datang. yep, biasalah malam juma'at, some families ada the tahlil going on kan, so di fahami. hubs & i had to go early cos we needed to go to the kadai to get stuff for tomorrow. takut inda sampat.

And we proudly have a new toy...
it's sexy..
and it's red..

so, kemarin i finally finished downloading my One tree hill episode 16 wah.. and i also tarus meliat kan, sekali..aiii aku inda sukaaaaaaa....bwoh...cana tu?? aku inda suka meliat ah..cos it was a bit scary..and i think the next episode will just disappoint me more.. uwa...boring.... and the o.c. lagi cia..cam tau tah si marissa & ryan atu selalu off then they reconcile and off lagi and on lagi...ani..ah...hm...i'll let you guys think hehe..

And i also managed to meliat "kau yang terindah" - it's an 'okay-la' movie. it's rupanya cerita lama 2004 punya. jalan ceritanya typical and with predictable endings. plus, macam banyak shortcut eh ceritanya atu..so, yeah, it's sedih..(if you're up to kan menangis lah..) yeah i'll rate it a 6/10 aja..

owh..apanah? i was reading something and it said something like "you are most beautiful when you're ovulating?"

aii...hari-hari tu eh


owh owh..i found this..and i'm excited!!

I hope it's gonna be good. and Sophia Bush (brooke Davis of OTH)'s starring. i just hope she's not gonna die first. buring tu eh...i'm just sick huh? i just love these hard core genre movies. i like the feeling of being scared.hehehe.. karang betapuk and jadi sajuk badan jua ni karang.. oh i cant wait!!


Not-so-holiday holiday

Erm..the alarm rang dengan kuatnya, tapi mataku kejam macam gam. nyaman tidurku. i dont want the endless shrill to distrupt my beauty sleep. *sigh* i've got a discussion at 8am.Lina texted that it's rescheduled to 830am..

..and i arrived 845am =p

yep, upon trying to unlock the discussion room, we were approached by this mid 40's man (or maybe mid 30's man) wanting to take our pictures..

..pictures?? (i have to register this information in my head)

tee hee..

tapikan, there were only the three of us. he wanted more.kalau buleh panuh. so, yul invited wizi. then there was 4...tapi inda cukup jua nya...so invited the people who were using the other discussion room.. tee-hee..

he asked us to berlakon membuat discussion..
"click! click!"
two pictures of that..

then he asked us to pose for the camera
"click! click! click! click! click! Click!"

eseh...inda punya banyak cematu...tapinya..2 kali saja...hehehehe

Now, we're having our brunch and need i tell you the place? - predictable!!
yup, and lina & i have a mutual 'coffee' langauges like

"inda suka"
or random numbers "..4..5..4..5.." macam sports commentator atu bah..

yep, now i'm just waiting for hubs to call me up.

owh..got dinner invites @nurul later. i'm hoping to see the other girls there jua. insyallah, dengan izin allah, i'll be there..

erna reporting from CB


All is well...

I'm having sucha great time. This is because i have lina with me. She's so fun to be with. she just digest every nonsense i have to say and replied something even funnier. if you know this girl very well, your brain will so all rosak.heheh sal cali wah anak ani..

Missed uni yesterday =(
due to my oh-so-mihir mata.. *sobs*

Hubs said something beautiful last 2 nights that i ended up dropping a few tears and erm..cry heavily..sampai tersadu-sadu..ehehhe...cali ah? see? i cry over things that touched me and that made me sound so saddd..hehe

No uni today, but we had discussion in the library with yul, lina & I. we progressed quite tremduously. I was like balik-balik yawning because it was sucha boring assignment but no worries, we're almost there.

Big thanks to Effa for telling me where i can download America's next top model season 6. so yea...downloading at the moment..

aku malas kan blog kemarin and tadi..
tapi aku blog jugak..
demi kamu..
yah! demia kamu!!



the jeruk mangga story

Hehee...had nothing to do yesterday but hubs decided to kill the time by going to Muara Beach to get jeruk mangga. Of all places, he decided to go all the way to Muara just to get jeruk mangga *pfft*

So, off we went. Thought we were just gonna go and get the jeruk mangga and head home, so just put on a simple tee and a pair of clean jeans. Ehehe..and we dressed the same. we put on red tees and a pair of denims. entah ah...we love to dress alike! heheh so typical of couples yeah? hehe it's just us =)

i bought sotong with lada and air kepala while he bought sotong tutuk with lada, his jeruk mangga and burger kampong (burger special with cheese). Ramai jugak orang di sna. I mean there were kids playing. i thought parents wont allow their kids playing outside but i thought wrong.

Supposed kan makan our food at Serasa beach but there was such a long queue. BANYAK ANI BAH KERITA. yatah kami inda jadi sana, we pusing-ed. kan makan di Meragang beach but no...inda jadi..so we went to Batu bersurat konon kan makan arah paking..sekali akhirnya kami makan mana nah??

Paking basement di MALL.. *lol*
of all places..hehehe

yep, kami decided kan round-round the mall arcade. it looks fun. kami kan main but banyak orang..

now i'm just getting tired to blog..

Yeah, eh...awu i'm blogging like masa ani..because kan, me & lina are having our lunch at CB (no, not to get noticed =p) abusing the net and downloading our tv shows. our class ended as early as 1pm tadi..and thank god for that.. and apa nah? this week, kami sekulah hari ani sama esuk saja.. salnya...wednesday to sunday kami inda sekulah. i repeat, kami inda sekulah (syok kan?????)

tapi inda baik tu..salnya..jadi malas tia..

k, toodles
got nothing to say



Movie marathon-ing

Oh...i noticed. since it's already sunday, i've been craving for movies..yep, maybe sal aku guyang-guyang kaki with not so much of assignments to do..yatah nada lain kan dibuat selain daripada mencari movie apa kan diliat..

i was NAGGING (capitalized it) hubs kan bejalan di malam untuk bali movie yang 'kana-bubut-bubut-yang-bagijap-wah' pebaiktah di malam atu ujan lebat ani wah..hehe yatah he dared me "banar ni? inda takut ni?" aku angguk lah. of course! ingat aku penakut? kalau takut ambil bantal tukup muka, lapas atu kalau inda cukup jua jadikan hubby sebagai bantal untuk tukup muka - apa payahnya..

So i bought 'pink panther', 'date movie', 'hostel', 'final destination', 'kau yang terindah' and the new ten2five album!! huhuhuhu....

sekali,we decided to watch 'hostel'
Masyallah!! punyalah bagijapnya..bukan pulang cerita antu...antah ah..gila kali bagijapnya..my feet and hands were all cold (hubs ketawakan) badanku inda pindah dari spot atu jua, and i didnt go to the loo inbetween jua... TAKUT jua sudah tu.. kalau ku rate fear factornya i give it a 10.

So all you hard core genre fans out there - watching this movie will definately SHOCK you..aii..aku na mau meliat ceta ani lagi eh..sanggup lagi ku meliat 'Dawn of the dead' balik-balik tu...pebaik tah aku mimpi sal atu...Gosh!

so ergh...i'm tempted to watch cerita si angnes monica & Jonathan Frizzy 'kau yang terindah' semacam lawa...but i wanted to save it for the 3 months hols... although i'v already eyed a perfect part-time job. hehe

*slaps forehead*
lupaku aku ada presentation tomorrow. this is becuase the supposed presentation last week was cancelled. yatah diganti esuk. sudah pulang bersedia..ganya i havent photocopy the copies for the mates. hm..maybe later??

Assignment wise: i've already edited the video for the research, tinggalkan bagi observation comments on it. and after that wanted to susun semula the questionnaires. salnya next two weeks, the lecturer mau the draft. better awal buat lah kan, karang kepisan. sal i have 1 more video to edit and one more project to accomplish. atu saja! yatah guyang-guyang kaki. and oh..one more mini assignment and abisssssss..belajar for the exam and test..huhuhu

Dont you just love me?


Pink is the new red

i was uber bored that i decided to change my template. capat boring nyamu. and it has exerts tremendous work eh..matinya. kengalihan banar ku ulehnya. been fidgetting in my seats, apa lagi with the crappy internet..nope not crappy, i was downloading tv shows dengan banyaknya yatah selow banar ulehnya..

but, it's okay, i got a new layout & new shows to watch *teehee* all good.

but, heck! the background wont show. this is upsetting..argh..k, i might have to deal with this one more time and if inda, i might have just settle with the white background for the moment. i'm just super ngalih masa ani..

been doing a lot of the 'what-it-would-have-beens' during my space time in between trying to sleep and close to being asleep - get it?

So, here's what i got so far...
i was thinking of..

1) if i took military after graduating from college
Yep, that's right. i'd like to be in the army baybee..have always thought that it would be a good career. it would have given me the time to do lots of things. yep, have always been a fan of guns & granades (sp?) maybe the influence of playing CS - some of you might know me as 'R9' the female CS player -teehee..

2) if i took the BSP job..
Uhuh...was offered...but heck..i was in between trying to figure out if i should continue my degree or not. hehe so i was thinking...if sekiranya aku kerja sana wah..hm...

so far, atu saja dulu eh..cant think of anything. or i'm just too embarrased to tell. the fact is, no matter how many 'the would beens', i'm still happy with the course i'm taking at the moment. the course of my life that is..hehe


My sin

For these past weeks, i have been quite facinated with the seven deadly sin. so, i found a website that helps me find out my 'sin' - out of fun pulang saja. and here's what i got:-

Envy:Very Low

Discover Your Sins - Click Here
Your sin has been measured. You have committed many sins, but Greed is the mortal sin that has done you in. Just below, discover your full sinful breakdown and learn what it is about you that codemns you to hell.



My date with lina was awesome. we had drinks at CB around 10 and go online for our stuff. after that we catch the 12:05 movie at cineplex. we watched 'Persona Non Grata"

WOW! the story was super fabulous. Bishai cerita atu i rate it an 8. a minus 2 because cluelessku tentang kejadian si Hans Isaac sal throughout the story, macam it's mostly highlighting the story tapinya inda jua bagitau ada conclusionnya. Maybe there's gonna be a part 2. And as usual sad or happy ending - mestiku menangis. Waaahhh!! uncool to do it infornt of my date!. But, it was fun, we had a twin seat and laughed all the way. cam siuklah!!

Supposed kan try lunch buffet di Ridzqun but since the show ended around 2. and the buffet abis around 230, inda jadilah. mana nyaman makan kali ah half an hour saja. so we tried Dome instead.

Erk...it.was.so.mahal. but very nice!! we shared our food. we ordered calamari & chips and beef lasagne. NYAMAN ani bahhhhh...siuk and bishai! yep, it was a classic date. movies and eat - bisaikan? ingat aku kan date sama hubby saja??? heheheh

Btw, we had invited guest speakers from the dental clinic masa eta's presentation on 'guest speaker' for science. dulu kan, i remembered the nurses used to show/demonstrate how to brush our teeth kan, it's th e'up and down' way kan? tapikan NOW they CHANGE it to, yang barus melintang ah.. can? so we were all bangang and intrigued with the whole proses. heck! it was educational enough. we managed to learn something new like 1) pakai barus gigi yang small with soft bristle (apply to all ages!) and 2) pakai floss yang waxed or was it unwaxed. erk! lupa yo..

*big grins*
my restaurant for sims2 is on rank6 sudah. maju terus business ku..hehehe
and as of next week, insyallah i'll be having a new TOY!! wait and see!



Open for business

The title of the post is obvious isnt it??

i've finally gotten a copy of OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
siuk kali ahhhhh....

Erm..sorry for the lack of update (ugh..somehow, this sounds so cliche). The internet connection at home was pretty crappy. and i cannot use the mobile connection to my laptop to surf (erm..paham kamu kah?) yeah, and i get DC-ed everytime i used SIMPUR. and to add...been busy with work...

Oh i'd personally like to thank BrotherBee for the tag. if it werent because of your tag, i wouldnt have gotten a copy of "open for business' cos when i got there, tinggal 3 saja yo!! wow...it's like my pride & joy udah masa ani..

Sorry cant upload pictures from OGDC just yet, cos it's all in my laptop and i'm using HIS laptop at the moment. Yatah..nanti-nanti aja lah...

My week so far have been...well, interesting. at night i've been having bad dreams and i cant help but think, the 'thing' kacau again... *groans* and uh..ever since school reopens, we've been hearing tons of presentations. Awu macam presentation saja. and my cat, esperenge aka shakespeare is all fluffy and healthy now.. after bali antibiotics and ubat selesma from PETLINK. i mean, barutah ia inda disgusting looking.

...aaand...ia phobia bunyi macam...kasut lapik-lapik.. he started to lumpat sana sini..ah cali..and inda lagi mau dipigang tu.. so i have to make sure aku inda macam pakai selipar yang lapik-lapik... soalannya: mengapa ia kan tu Syah.. mesti kau dera ia ni timenya masa arah mu.. aaaaaannnddd...i overheard ad KOCENG baru??? tell tell diiihhh....

gonna catch a mubi later with lina. yep, after all the stress work, we need some entertainment too. so far, assignment wise, it'll all going as planned. no need to fret =)

lotsa love,


Expired OGDC storiesssss...

That day was extremely hot kemarin. i couldnt stand it.i think i got the 'internal heat' still. i dont know what it's really called but some person once told me that it's called 'internal heat'.

I WAS THE LAST TO ARRIVE! palui! i blamed the black coffee! yep..defly the black coffee..
..and hehe..i'm hearing "oooppp" here and there...wohahahaha...sasak kali si syah aku menanya soalan payah.

To syah:
Relax bro...muka mu atu cam cemas habis..and serious banar. u need to crack up a lil bit. yep, doing it infront of the whole class was nerve wrecking habis..but, yeah. sorry. maraha kali kau kan aku ah??? btw, on a happier note, ABM mu lawaaaaaaaaa....

i really dont know how i should i begin my story of OGDC. cos it was defly alot. nanti i post pics..now baru ja ku upload the pictures. maybe later yeah? i needed to do something first..cos yesterday costed me 1 day of Erna assignment time. so need to make it up today. be patient. apakan?

love me?-no?


I'm hot!!


He thinks i'm hot..
I'm wearing green for today and he thinks i'm hot..
alum lagi pakai tudong tu...hehehe

Had an early brekkie with Lina at CB at the moment. We're doing our discussions. Mini project #4 on the way, yatah we wanta finito it pronto-u get-o? besides, we'll be busy finishing up our essay + presentation for L&D jua.lotsa clashes-hates so much but that's the 'manis' part of everything, right?

Anyways, will be off to uni in a short while. for breakfast, i tried the salmon scramble and a cuppa black coffee. Aku inda pulang ku berapa kan black coffee ani, sal aku suka minum hot milk or cold milk. which ever yang ku berkenan. The salmon scramble is nyummy. i've never had fish+eggs kan, yatah cali rasany-but it's still nyaman nontheless..

aii, i be having classes later mostly on peer-teaching saja..

OGDC trip tomorrow. be as early as at at our rendezvous. DEAD EXCITED!!



"Burger kampong satu!!"

Yep, that's right. Nothing's going to wipe this smile off my face. i'm just excited!

Sorry about yesterday's post. i was just feeling at my lowest of the lowest so yeah. i blamed all the crazy parkers and that just drags on to other things. so, sorry hehe..

Anyways, it's official. We're GOING! yep..it's all arranged and set. we're going! *glee* i'm just looking forward to it. hope that it'll be of a good trip. oh hell, yeah of course it's going to be fun!

My sudden 'upset-ness' yesterday brought me to a good retail therapy. It was all GOOD! himself was schweetness by calling last night as MY night. yep, just an ERNA night. went to yayasan and looked at everything. semua tia nyaman usulnya. the bed sheets plus the comforter, the stationaries!!! the greeting cards, even towels. i was this close to buying a blender! YAH! a blender..palau..of all things..

So erm, i bought a silver photo frame. and i felt good buying it. banar, suka ku photo frame ah.. and oh, i've been a good girl too. i dont know if kamu percaya this or not. but uh...i havent spent my january & february allowance..cause i still have my december allowance = do the maths!! =)

after photo frame shopping, i decided that i had enough shopping (boring huh?) syok lagi sophie kinsella bila ia shopping bah..hm...so, kan balik tah ni..sekali, himself decided to be romantic. jadi, we parked infront of CB bandar and walked (yes, walked) to the padang omar ali saiffuddien. sal apparently there was an event going on:Tarik Kalat to be precise.

...Jangan pulang kamu perasan yang aku ke sana kan meliat orang menarik the kalat *LoL*
i was there to get air kelapa and burger kampong.. hehe sal ada those vendors bejual sana...

..ahh...burger kampong. i think it's like the best burger than any burger dontcha think so? the one i had was burger daging special with cheese. and cheesenya inda karit. di baginya ku the whole cheesedale..instead of separuh and many-many OH the many mayo ~thank you!

Sekali kan masuk kerita kan balik tah ni. we bumped into david & his wife. the heavily preganant wife. wow..kan 3 bulan basar jua parutnya ah.. i wonder if it's a twin *hmmmm* so we chatted and "complained" kah-kah-kah.. yeah, rona-rona kehidupan pun ada jua pait-paitnya. macam nano-nano wah...

"manis...masem..masin...nano-nano...nana-nanaaaaaaa~~~ nano-nano!!!"

and he showed me the new wedding package. uiiiii..bishai!!!
ano ipod ani wah...that way you are able to show off ur wedding pictures pakai ipod atu..and the wife was SWEET enough to say

"kawin kamu lagi sekali..supaya dapat ani"

but, that's a thought!

i woundnt mind doing the wedding all over again! aku suka tu!!!

School? hm...it's okay. achievements: no more gagar time presentation. MY SEKSA dah habis..yep, my science presentation was all done & gone..had fun.. malay pun fun. suka ku..meriah..think that was the time aku ketawa berabis..having fun berabis.. walaupun i had class as early as 8 and ends as late at 130pm. but she let us off early tadi..

esuk? discussion with lina and coffee-coffee...
and petang class 1 to mayeb 4 sal 2 presentation..

BLARGH! buring!!!



Just a good woman driver

I lost it! i finally did it..i commited a crime. I disobeyed the road rules. this shucks!

I sort of parked at a place where it isnt supposed to be a parking space. I felt guilty tadi. but. lina made a good point that i was no where near to even blocked one car. so, i pursued.

see? i'm just a good woamn driver. It's just so obvious. I dont potong queue, i park nicely. pebaiktah kusong tu parking space arah CLT ah, or paking batu-batu ah..or parking IPI ah, i'll park arah hostel bini-bini pebaik tah jauh. i detest double parkers! banar! menyusahkan orang. and what's the deal with those yang parking menutup jalan? you should consider urang yang parking bisai-bisai. how would u feel suddenly when kerita mu kana block and u're in an emergency. i believe in karma. "what goes around comes around" so someone told me...

I felt like crying. it's stupid. i'm all emo right now. no...it's not about parking (now that's stupid) it's just about everything (excluding my marriage-because it's beautiful & very very stable. i know it's impossible to have no-fights in a relationship but we JUST DONT have any -kapeesh?)

first of all, i hate school
i just do

i'm begining to like my previous semester break than going back to school. eventhough my semester break is just one busy week. it's worth it.

i hate the parking too.. and people..inconsiderate people..manipulative ones..the ones that are 'habis manis sepah di buang' kind of people. i'm not a doormat okay. at least i have brains in my head not in my knee. (dont mention my knee, it's screwed up too!)

the test was all about "ap-li-cation". i mean, Who cares if the ex-soldier's heart beat races upon hearing 100th bells per minute? *rolls eyes*.I was reading with all my might despite the noise & ec-cetera. I didnt study last night and i was spending my time yesterday beautifying my presentation for tomorrow. could you believe it? - beautifying.

Despite doctor's advise & himself's larangan on makanan pedas, i still do eat them. my favourite: kacang sirik with sambal belacan..

"mengapa kau masak sayur tak campur belanchan, sekarang aku kan pancung leher kau!"

yeah...oh well... life goes on. you have to deal with all the shitty in betweens...life is crap you gotto accept it. okay i'm gonna smile now..right timing, the sun has decided to rise again. it was gloomy wen i typed this.

was reading ain's blog just now, and i'm just waiting for the good news.. some time..erm... in the future i guess. I just need some good news at the moment...

i'm loving the OC and the one tree hill at the moment. Ryan & Marissa are always together now, less fight and more understanding. and yeah, who wouldnt resist summer & seth? One tree hill's all nyummy too...


p/s: thanks to those wish me well. those who didnt *shrugs* (what-can-i-say?)


It's not appendix but ANGIN!

I've got my medical certificate. So, i'm not in school. not staying in uni from 8 to 6 (palau wah time nya ah)..

Been suffering from these endless pain of mine and finally got the chance to go and see the doctor tadi. Himself was rather nice to accompany me which inevitably spared his 1hr of work time *sayang u berabis*. I can go alone pulang it's not that a bigger deal but, he offered and who could resist that?? (big grins)

Told the doc about my problem. she said "Maybe ada urine infection or maybe appendix problem" Blargh! kebeliangan ku tarus mendengar. So yeah, i urinated into this very-very small cup (kata-kataku banar! ngapa inda gayung atu kan?) and she tested it. thank god lah - NORMAL.

After that, i had to lie down and she started to press-press my tummy and so far nada. yang tempat sakit atu saja yang sakit (apakan?) she said i might have angin dalam parut or a sensitive intestine wall yang since birth (didnt know that) so told me to lay off SPICY FOOD!

i cant lay off SPICY FOOD! especially sambal (yang pedas-pedas) to makan with timun & kacang sirik (my favourite) and they're like my only veggies dalam makanan ku masa ani...aku suka tu makan even time petang-petang (as snacks pun aku makan)

Himself dropped me off di rumah, and i decided to go for a massage. i have only one in mind= Zen Spa.

I had to sungkai. Yes, sampai ku puasa, tapi setengah hari sal i had to makan this huge pills 3 kali sehari yo.. *sigh* inda apalah hari ani setengah hari esuk setengah hari, jadi ertinya setengah + setengah = 1 hari jua tu kan? (i'm mathematically correct, no?)

I had emma again (which is great!) i opted for the aromatherapy massage, pakai 'RELAX' oil. Usually ku ambil refelxology but since i wanna get my stomuch "fixed" (so to speak) jadi, decided to take the aromatheraphy instead..

...i was glad i had pretty panties on..or else..MALU GILA KU! *teehee*
The whole expereince was great. it was supposed to be a 1hr massage, but i exceeded. especially when time kan urut my parut atu..no problem with the parut tho, but the area dekat my ovary. GOSH! sakit gila!...but she fixed it. (2 orang mengusaha aku, i'm so loved!) eventhough, there were much writhing and ugly screaming, it was worth the pain because..

now i'm just pain free! A speacila thanks to Melanie for the "healing Powers" hehe (inside joke!)

Emma got the chance to urut my knee. She, however, used this very-very scientific name for that area which i think she said "palate" or something sounding like that or...i dont know. Sekali she said i have little bump (unnoticable by me) arah the 'sakit' area.. gerk! jadi, i recalled Kurt giving me talks about the knee problem.. and he once asked me "ada macam bulging?"

*nyeh* should have really checked. but it's just a knee.siapa jua kan tau the differences tu!

She said something scary like "maybe th veins got into the bone" or "the muscle". grr.. so, yeah needed to go check on the knee again arah special sport physician (I wish i can spell but i cant! *lol*).

Overall, i'm one stress WOH-MAN..
yeah... now, not so much..

keke..so i'm enjoying my added holiday. hey, this is like my first holiday this semester atu pun sal kana bagi MC no ponteng-ponteng stuff..*beams*

okay, hope this post is broing enough..
nothing much

pokoknya: it's just angin!



This birthday shout out goes to:-

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

dengan ucapan:
"You're one very fun sister in law. i hope you have sucha fun birthday this year. you have 3 lovely but gauk anaks. Dania hates me *sniff sniff* k cya soon, fish head curry next?"


Dinner @Le Taj

Words out...a cousin of mine is getting married...IN KL!
in addition to that one of my Trueblue's getting married -also in JUNE! macam clash-clash jua tu..

Dinner at Le Taj went okay. We had super nyaman time. there were 9 of us. the father, the mother, Bang Hairy + Ka Liza, Me + hubs plus Beng + the girlfriend and oh! hafiz too.

I love the lamb! I love the Lamb!

Ramai eh urang di sana ah..sampai inda terlayan. Sampai some of our food inda sampai but kana masukkan dalam bill, sampai bila ia kan menghidang minuman, satu minuman gugur dilantai sekali semua tia gugur di lantai. and the funny part is, laju tia jua dibuatnya balik minumannya atu..

We had a small family celebration in conjunction to beng's belated birthday (28/2) and my sis in law's advanced birthday (06/3). In April is gonna be Hafiz's 4th birthday then in May, the father + hubby's birthday and then in July, Dania + Danish + me den in august the mum's birthday and then in September abg hairy's birthday.

It's a Sunday today. Managed to do something productive with the help of my beloved =) we mandikan our 'babies' and we cleaned our room. hehe...it's spic and span. Just the way 'we' love it...

..and i'm not looking forward to tomorrow. as school ends as late at 6pm. *ngalih*
and i decided to puasa esok. i think i need it. Sometimes puasa lightened the heavy load i'm carrying, i just need to feel that. =)



Update + update = long posts

Hi ya'all

surprised?? heheh..yeah me too.. if it werent because of that particular someone (you know who you are *wonks*) i cant be arsed to blog. Before anything, i'd like to make a birthday shout out to...

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

dengan ucapan:
"Kau tua kau tua kau tua!! terimalah hakikatnya yang pada hari ini, kau sudah 1 tahun lebih tua dari tahun sebelum nya..percayalah..."

Okay guys, Pokoknya, i've decided to 'un-pencen' this blog pasalnya, i've been blogging since FOREVER sudah. rasanya macam rugi lah. lagipun, this blog has been the kind of blog yang blognya jenis "untuk mengikat silatur-rahim" serta "mempengeratkan lagi hubungan-hubungan dengan keng-kawanku yang sudah lama menghilangkan diri" dan yang terakhir sekali, ianya digunakan untuk "meng-update kan cerita-cerita tentang kehidupanku yang penuh bunga-bungaan dan tidak lari juga dengan cerita-cerita yang penuh kedukaan"


musti pasal banyak membuat perkataan malay yang very-very the-standard atu kali. Owh..such a murder!!


Yep! i've seen it! I've seen it!
i saw 4 of my pictures in the menu...CALI! semua lagi yang gambar ku jenisnya 'iklan gigi' keke...i'm glad i did it. it was such great fun! *lol*

okay guys...before i bore you guys to death, lemme 'blog off' yeah?

lotsa love,
...and more to come!

/edit mania

My best cousin just MSN-ed me such weird-weird thing macam "guguring" as in "dropping by" and also "menggunung" as in "piling up coursework assignments" i miss your jubur babe..plus your craziness + bluriness + latingness + the high pitch laugh of yours yang buleh bikin orang pikir bukan-bukan di malam hari...